Ontario Perch Fishing on Indian Lake

Perch are a delicacy and very tasty. These fish are easy to catch and a delight to eat. The big perch can approach 3 pounds and if you want to catch a lot of them, stick to shallow water and try jigging with live bait. With a sport fishing license you can bring home 50 perch.

There are few perch to be found throughout the chain, but we have boat caches on smaller lakes and out trips if you want to catch your fill of perch while staying with us.

Once you get into one of the out lakes and find a perch hole. You will get fast action perch fishing where you will catch one after another. As much as a jig and minnow work great if you get into one of those schools a simple lead head jig with no minnow and you can still real a pile of them in.

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